2024 Harvard WorldMUN Takes Center Stage in March! NYCU Collaborates with Taipei City Government to Co-Organize, Facilitating Global student-international International Exchange
After a 14-year hiatus, the 2024 Harvard World Model United Nations (WorldMUN) is scheduled to take place in Taipei from March 10th to March 14th. This event, acclaimed as the…
NYCU Signed a MOU Agreement with ACC: Joint Establishment of American Taiwan Climate Club to Align Taiwan with G7 Climate Club Outcomes
In the end of the annual COP28 United Nations Climate Change Conference, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) and the American Climate Club (ACC) have jointly signed a MOU.…
Collaborate with Arm Semiconductor Education Alliance to Cultivate Innovative Key Technologies and Excellent Talents Required for Future Generation Chip Design
After entering the agreement of the Taiwan-U.S. Semiconductor Workforce Advancement Program (SWAP) with Purdue University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) has collectively worked with the global known computing…
Boosting Automation Efficiency: NYCU Unveils MR-Based Robotics Advancement
In a groundbreaking collaboration, Professor Kai-Tai Song and his team from the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) partnered with Techman Robot…
International College of Semiconductor Technology, NYCU visited Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi for Further Connections
On October 30th, 2023, Professor Edward Yi Chang, the Head of NYCU’s International College of Semiconductor Technology, led a delegation to visit Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IIT Delhi). They…
NYCU Establishes a Cooperative Relationship with the National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) and Harvard Medical School’s Affiliated Teaching Hospitals
On October 6, 2023, NYCU achieved a significant milestone in international medical collaboration in Boston, United States. Led by Vice President Muh-Hwa Yang, the Cancer and Immunology Research Center collaborated…
Aiming High with Thriving Progress in NYCU cooperation with its Benchmark Universities – An Open Letter to all faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends –
Just when National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) of Taiwan and Purdue University of West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S. signed an agreement on the “Taiwan-U.S. Semiconductor Talent Leap Program”, also…
NYCU-Purdue University Entered Agreements on Semiconductor’s Education
A new chapter was opened when President Mung Chiang of Purdue University and President Chi-hung Lin of NYCU signed two documents on the 27th of April, 2023.
University of Illinois Visits NYCU and Exchanges Views on the Cultivation of Medical Engineers and Medical Information Talents
This visit demonstrates the close communication and cooperation between the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Medicine and NYCU and highlights the importance of digital medical care and artificial…